Following this winter's constant invasion by a small herd of deer, the critters have finally deserted our yard towards greener pastures, and their sights or just tracks have become rarer, yet they still visit sporadically at night.
This hit me the other day as I noticed two heads of lettuce that I was contemplating to harvest within one or two days, that had been severed and eaten up by a visiting animal. This prompted me to think "fence" and just like Trump with his border wall, I began envisioning some formidable anti-deer fortifications capable of protecting my future harvest.
So, very quickly a basic, thin and discreet fence grew into a major undertaking that would cost me hundreds of dollars to protect a two or three month supply of lettuce. Adding the high cost of irrigation water to that, I was suddenly looking at some extremely expensive green that made the organic Whole Food offering look like a dirt cheap bargain.
That's when, just like the Mormon prophets of yesteryear I got a revelation. Over my garage door is a motion-sensor light that activates automatically when it detects the most minute motion.
So, my thinking instantly shifted to lights and after a rapid online search, I found some spooky looking blinking lights that resembled a pair of terrifying werewolf capable of intimidating the most daring deer living in Park City.
These head can also be successfully utilized for maximum visual impact on Halloween night. I ordered the devices on the spot and will receive them next week. In a few weeks, I'll let you know if that was the right investment or if I should have built an unassailable fortress to protect my veggies...