By using patriotic pretense to suspend his campaign and “offering” to cancel the first presidential debate, Senator McCain has just made the successful transition from maverick to chicken. Depending on whether one is creationist or not, it could be argued that this transformation was an act of god or a simple process of evolution. At any rate, that last minute escape shows that the old man wasn’t feeling up to debating Barack Obama. One thing is certain; John McCain can’t multi-task and will barely have the time to study economic 101 before the weekend is over and a decision is to be made. It could also be that these evening debates are past his bedtime and should be rescheduled into mid-afternoon to accommodate the 72 years old candidate. With McCain’s campaign going south, it seems to be the appropriate time to divert people’s attention to the “patriotic” side of this humongous taxpayers’ give-away even if the basic scare tactics used for going into Iraq need to be revisited. With about $700 billion already burned up in prosecuting that illegal and useless war, why should we fork another $700 to bailout Bush and Paulsen’s buddies on Wall Street, especially if no one can precisely tell us what would happen if we did it or not. Never before have I been such a staunch believer in the “free market” theory; at this point, we should let the crisis work its way and just observe what happens, period.
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