The more you do something with regularity and passion, the more skilled you generally become and the more you enjoy it, but there’s no place like mountain biking to experience that rule. Even though, just like skiing, the sport takes a concerted effort (you need to get especially dressed for it, check out the equipment and put up with all the technical “miseries” that come with that recreation,) once you’re riding, it’s just pure joy. This isn’t a feeling that most will experience on their first days or even months on the bike though. It comes very slowly and through continued practice, but when the technique starts “gelling” and when the apprehension subsides, the pleasure experienced is almost like no other. Perhaps, part of it is the climate we live in, where all is dry, mud is rare and our high-desert vegetation combines with our mountain scenery to making the experience so special and so out-of our day-to-day world. Our playground begins at about one mile from our doorstep and when we reach that single trail, we enter into another world and start disconnecting from the all the pesky little things that happen to worry or bother us…
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