Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What do I have to show?
Another year is ending and the question I’m asking myself is what do I have to show for it? I know that I have caused a few things to happen, most of them material, but was it all worth my precious time and my potential? The answer is a resounding NO. Deep inside, I know that
I could have done better; I could have gone much farther and could have really surprised myself and those who know me well. As I become older and less nimble, it would be nice to see more “stretching” in all directions that would produce beautiful and rich achievements. In that final day, I don’t know yet what all these efforts will be, but I can guarantee that in 2009, at this time, they’ll have been there…

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Age and happiness

Monday, December 29, 2008
Escorted joy-ride
About three weeks ago, my friend and Air Force Colonel Lynn Carmichael called me to come and discreetly check out the new F/A-22 delivered to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, the first operational base to receive the brand new “Raptor” fighter in replacement of the aging F-15. This plane was very expensive to produce as its cost per unit is at this point about $339 million. According to the military, this plane can’t be matched by any known other fighter aircraft. What impressed me the most was its cockpit reminiscent of a giant iPhone. At any rate, after spending a morning in the flight simulator during which my quick-responses didn’t perform too well, my friend Lynn got me all the special gear and somewhat reluctantly, let me fly for a quick twenty minute ride under the name of Paul Feldmann, a Canadian-born pilot at the base. Since I wasn’t supposed to, I didn’t try to execute any Herbst maneuver (J-turn) or the Pugachev's Cobra; I just took off, climbed up to 40,000 feet, made a few turns and landed the plane without breaking anything, under Lynn’s sharp eye who was escorting me closely all along in a two-seater F-15 accompanied by Captain Bert Langford…

Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Israeli-Palestinian mess
Israel is a bad as the Palestinian, with one big difference; they’ve got the money (my tax money, by the way!) and are fully supported by the US, Europe and the rest of the industrialized world that is afraid to offend the Zionists. If everyone remains happy with that, we’ll see this situation continue to worsen, we’ll watch more despair and much more terrorism will bloom from the Arab world. By letting Israel acts as a colonial power over the
Palestinians, we’re condoning genocide in another time and in another place; we’re also cultivating terrorism for the long term. If you don’t believe that 9/11 started by Israel’s abuse in Gaza and in the West Bank, your understanding of geopolitics might need a serious overhaul.

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Why we switched…
For the past 23 winters, we have purchased a ski pass at Park City Mountain Resort. The biggest advantage of skiing there was that, of the three mountains we’ve got in town, it was the closest. Because it’s also the most established (more than 45 years of operation) it’s also the busiest and in recent year, its extensive “park” facilities (half pipe, rails, huge bumps) have make it more of a “circus” and less of a skier’s mountain. Deer Valley was an option but takes even more time to get too; perhaps, this will be for later in our skiing careers, or better yet,
when our “backward-thinking” mountains suddenly come up with the idea of linking their lifts (with today’s economy, this might come faster than one could believe!) So this year, we decided to try something else and bought our ski passes at The Canyon, the newest and largest resort within our small community. The expanse of terrain is much larger, the variety greater and the tree skiing options superior. In addition, the lifts that we’ll be using most are significantly faster, which mean less time on the mountain for the same number of turns and just more fun. Getting there takes a tiny bit longer, but what the hell, we’re retired!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Perfect storm, Park City style
Yesterday, I had the privilege to take my daughter Charlotte and her friend Kate for some high-power powder skiing under extremely rare conditions. The weather was awful; a real blizzard, a total white-out, and the wind were such that the snow was falling horizontally. Skiing was out of this world with snow well above mid-thighs and face shots to match. The only problem was riding up the lift which was going extra slow because of the high winds and had all of us withstand the bitter, piercing cold all the way to the top. While my team was surprised at first, they soon got into the thick and deep of things, and quickly stayed glued to my tails until their legs started to signal some hard-to-ignore symptoms of advanced deterioration; we stopped in time before we had to amputate...

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Snow is snow, right?
To many folks, snow is the same white nasty stuff that makes a car dance or blocks a driveway. To me, it’s a lot different; it’s a world of its own. You see, I’m into my 62nd winter and I have seen tons of snow and can tell you that no snow is ever the same. I’ve seen the white commodity in several continents, under many different climates and during most seasons to assert that – like the 6.6 billion folks living on this earth – each crystal is a tiny bit different and ends up with a very finite destiny.
I continue to learn everyday of winter about snow. When I run in the morning, I make it a game to see the part of the snowy road that offers the best traction, when I ski I can pick an appropriate technique from what the white surface communicates to be. I’m not talking here about the myth that Eskimos have a myriad of words for snow; they don’t - but we do and I won’t spell them all, but here’s a sampling of what’s available:
Falling snow: Blizzard, flurry, freezing rain, graupel, hail, needles, rimed snow…
Snow on the ground: Blowing snow, chopped powder, corn, crud, crust, ice, firn, powder, slush, snirt, windslab…
Now that you've gained more understanding about snow, go skiding in you car, sliding on your boards or slipping on your shoes with much greater appreciation, class and confidence!

Falling snow: Blizzard, flurry, freezing rain, graupel, hail, needles, rimed snow…
Snow on the ground: Blowing snow, chopped powder, corn, crud, crust, ice, firn, powder, slush, snirt, windslab…
Now that you've gained more understanding about snow, go skiding in you car, sliding on your boards or slipping on your shoes with much greater appreciation, class and confidence!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Légion d’Honneur for Anselme Baud

Monday, December 22, 2008
Purchase of Look bindings by Rossignol
This is the follow-up to my previous posting regarding what really triggered the sale of Look bindings to Rossignol skis back in 1994. A short bit of history first; Look was founded in Nevers, France by Jean Beyl, an avid skier in 1951. The company that started with a 360 degree plate binding called the “Antifracture” did at first very well with its Nevada double-pivot toe unit paired up with a basic turntable heel that equipped all the famous ski racers of the time. It was then followed by the Nevada II and N-17 (a.k.a. Grand-Prix) combination that remain a classic for many winter seasons. Selling almost exclusively to the high-performance users and unable to sell to the masses, Look unsuccessfully tried to compete in the entry-level to mid-price segments where it was out-marketed by Salomon. Management miscalculations also contributed to the brand going bankrupt in 1982 when it was picked up by Bernard Tapie a corporate raider, high on PR and low on business acumen.
Tapie added the German-made Geze ski bindings to the package but the enterprise continued to flounder and its assets were mostly held by a subsidiary of the Credit Lyonnais a.k.a. “Crazy Lyonnais,” a French bank that had engineered the Look and Adidas buy-out by Tapie. Later, Pierre-Alain Blum, the owner of Ebel watches took over the firm along with Authier skis but failed to re-energize it. In 1993, as the conservative regain control of the French Assembly, Laurent Boix-Vives’ friends suggested it was time to pick up Look as Ebel was looking to unload its unsuccessful acquisition. Stripped from most of its debt, the ski binding division was repackaged into an offer that Skis Rossignol couldn’t refuse, and in 1998 the bike division of the company was then sold to Dominique Bergin and became Look Cycle International; knowing Mr. Boix-Vives, it’s very likely that Rossignol recouped more than its overall purchase price on that later sale. Where Olle Larson might be right, however is that upon taking over Look, Rossignol looked at its product and determined that the Geze toe (the system licensed to manufacture the inexpensive Salomon 222) was not only a good combination with the Look turntable heel but was also much cheaper to manufacture. The turntable heel has now been abandoned in racing and replaced by a crude heel-unit reminiscent of the lackluster Look 27 from 1980. In hindsight, and I must confess to my surprise, Rossignol has succeeded in resurrecting Look by streamlining the line and putting its entire organizational horsepower behind the effort.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Marker, Rossignol and Look
Olle Larsson is a ski coach who's originally from Sweden, and had competed on the Grenoble University ski team, in France. After coaching the Canadian National Team, he founded Rowmark Ski Academy in Salt Lake City (Utah), one of the first Ski Academies in US. Mr. Larsson is recognized among the world’s top ski coaches along with Honoré Bonnet and Hermann Noeckler. Because he’s an older guy and has been around a lot, Olle knows everything and everyone. While, he was at the University of Grenoble he even had a chance to come to Avoriaz and work with Annie Famose’s “village des enfants.”
I’ve known Olle for quite some time, and today, as I was side-slipping the course, he told me an interesting story - for which I know another version - but listened to anyway... His brother Jan Larsson was the director of racing with Rossignol. Years ago when Hank Tauber was still running Marker ski bindings, he wanted to petition the International Ski Federation to be allowed to place a sticker with his binding brand right on the racers’ skis. During a World Cup race in Park City, he had lobbied Larsson to support his idea; instead, Jan had told him that it was a lousy initiative and didn’t offer him the help Mr. Tauber was seeking. Some time later, and according to Olle Larsson, Hank Tauber cornered Jan and told him in no uncertain terms that he was mad at his lack of support, that he would talk to Laurent Boix-Vives the owner of Rossignol and use his influence so Jan Larsson would be fired. Unbeknownst to Tauber, Larsson had a rather good relationship with Boix-Vives, so when the former confided in the threat he had received from Marker’s boss in Utah, Rossignol decided to buy Look bindings. Please stay tuned for another version of the real reason behind the purchase…

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Planted in the snow...

Friday, December 19, 2008
Age and wisdom
In speaking with many of my contemporaries, I can detect a massive effort on everyone’s part to “fight” the aging process by staying very active, eating right and looking good. I also must admit that I’m part of that crowd of folks who are dead set against aging and decrepitude. What we fail to appreciate however, is that with aging comes much more wisdom. This in my view is priceless. So instead of seeing a new birthday as a step into a proximate tomb,
it brings much more than just that. It’s shedding some part of our purely physical “skin” for a new one, wisdom, which is very much more profound and essentially spiritual, that reconciles us with ourselves and our purpose in life. From now on, I’ll see each new birthday as a form of enrichment and a welcome transition of scenery…

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Would I make a good “con man?”
I’m certain that, by now, the adventures of Bernard Madoff are inspiring lots of “wannabe” in America and around the world. From time to time, I ask myself, what should I do to have a more fulfilled life? It’s clear that over the years, I built a pretty good reputation and that, as a result, many people seem to trust me. I look serious and now that I’m over 60, with few and white hair and have been around to quite a few places, been in countless jobs and have a huge network of acquaintances. In a nutshell, I have what it takes to start a profitable fund.
Unlike Madoff, I’d be more democratic and talk to a broader spectrum of individuals. I’d set the bar a bit lower, let’s say a minimum of $100,000. Like Madoff though, I’d save on administrative expenses and would just email the account balance when pressed by my client. My time will be better spent looking for tax-paradises and ways to maximize the funds’ holdings. What I would also do, is carefully plan my exit as well as my next off-shore refuge, just at the top of the next financial bubble; that way I won’t even have to hear your complaints and see your disappointment. Now, enough chatter; who wants to be my first investor?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The elephant in the room

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This guy has balls!
A lot of folks have been vocal about their opposition to George Bush and Dick Cheney’s invasion and mass slaughter in Iraq, but none, until two days ago had the courage to act on it and say what he thought of the man in front of him by hurling a pair of shoes. Today, the man is in custody and his brother,
Maythem, said his brother did not premeditate his action. He simply exploded when Bush said that his visit was “his farewell gift to the Iraqi people.” Good for Muntader al-Zaidi, the correspondent for Al Baghdadia. To me, without a question, this guy is the true “Man of the Year.” Let’s hope the Iraqis put enough pressure on their government to get their hero freed soon!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Voodoo doll?

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Back to "pre-bubble"
I must be obsessed with the real estate market. Yet, it seems to me that no one, in the entire United States of America, has accepted the fact that it may continue to go down. Why? Because first and foremost there’s no way to locate its bottom at that point and second because the brutal answer to that question is that it’s situated around its "pre-bubble" level of circa 2002.
Until now, everyone has been hoping, wishing, and crossing their fingers for the slide to stop, but as any savvy investor knows, these tricks, including prayer to God don’t work. On one hand there are the realtors trying to hide the depth of the abyss from onlookers and on the opposite side the banks, the government and all the homeowners in a profound, collective state of denial. Get real now, take your blinders off! Your home is no longer worth what it used to…

Saturday, December 13, 2008
The era of transparency
Want to buy a car, a book, a new computer, travel or trade stocks efficiently (with minimum commission)? Go on the web. The internet has become the crystal-clear fish bowl in which you can see where real price levels are at. Now try to do the same with selling or buying real-estate, it won’t work. You’ll only get a murky picture at best, compliment of the National Association of Realtors.
Under the guise of preserving their business monopoly and juicy commissions, this entity is one of the last bastions of institutionalized opacity, and because it only promotes a fractional picture of its business, its members don’t even know that their organization is driving their business into paralysis and contributing markedly to this country’s current recession. Time to wake-up “Realtors,” give up you isolationism, dare to reveal some useful data, expose yourself to the changing world and show us that you can compete in the open!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Time to (really) tax gasoline?
Yesterday, as I was filling up my tank, I was shocked to discover that the premium’s cost per gallon had fallen to almost $1.50! Not so long ago, in July if I can remember, we were still paying $4.30 or so for the same quantity of gasoline. Wow! That means we are doing to almost one-third of what we were charged at the peak… This brings me to the next, logical idea which would be to seriously tax gasoline now, let’s say by adding an extra dollar per gallon. In the course of one full year, this could produce one trillion in taxes. It would pay the current
financial bailout and would go a long way to start mopping up the ten trillion dollar debt we’ve accumulated. I really think that Obama should seriously think about it, before we start believing again that gasoline at around one dollar a gallon is our God-given right…

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Writing and running

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Listen up… And stop political corruption.
The arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was another spectacular example of a politician who had became a monster of corruption. Charged with nominating a successor for Barack Obama’s vacated senate seat, the man tried to make some personal hay from it and got caught thanks to an ongoing FBI investigation involving extensive wire-tapping. In recent time, and probably since the beginning of politics as we know it, politicians have had a rather troubling relationship with bribery and corruption. Some have gotten caught, but the vast majority has not. After this latest incident,
I now see all politicians as suspect and it’s difficult for me not to entertain the thought that somehow, whether it’s a tiny bit or an awful lot, opportunistic or premeditated, all the folks who govern us are untangled into some form of graft. Since I’m a man who loves simple solutions, I propose that we wiretap each and every one of them, twenty-four-seven, starting with our mayors and going all the way up to the Oval Office. A group of “listeners” who could be folks like me, that is, who have nothing better to do, bi-partisan and volunteers would release a monthly report detailing all the bad things that are being said behind close doors and on the taxpayers’ back. The good, funny lines could be sold to Saturday Night Live in an effort to make us laugh and use the proceeds to beef up our bridges and repave our roads. Politicians would no longer have to say and do stupid things, would no longer have to worry to end up in jail and our tax dollars would go much further. Who’s objecting?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How “green” are you?

Monday, December 8, 2008
Thoughts on helping foreclosed homeowners
Another element of solving the real-estate/financial crisis would be to help homeowners saddled with unmanageable mortgages in a way that might be fair and workable. First, this idea is very remote from FDIC Chair Sheila Bair’s recent proposal.
Again, my plan is simple; let’s say that faced with a troubled loan (the house is worth far less than the loan, the rate may readjust soon and the owner can’t no longer make payments), the financial institution that owns the mortgage would discount the amount of capital to address the current situation; for example, if the house is only worth $300,000 and the mortgage amount is $450,000, it would re-set the mortgage at $250,000 which would make possible for the homeowner to either keep the property or liquidate it.
This would leave that same owner still owning the bank the $200,000 difference, interest-free, that would be carried forward as a deed-restriction and/or on the individual’s credit records, in the form of a floating debit following any transaction that he might enter into in the future. For example, if that same person keeps the home and then sells it ten years later, any capital gain would go to reduce or satisfy that interest-free debt. If the property is sold right away, the ex-owner would continue to carry that debt that wouldn’t be counted towards his personal financial statement, but would remain available to offset any future real-estate or financial capital gains. There would be no government guarantee; the system would be painful on financial institutions, very generous to those troubled homeowners, but extremely fair to folks like you and me who just live below their means…
Again, my plan is simple; let’s say that faced with a troubled loan (the house is worth far less than the loan, the rate may readjust soon and the owner can’t no longer make payments), the financial institution that owns the mortgage would discount the amount of capital to address the current situation; for example, if the house is only worth $300,000 and the mortgage amount is $450,000, it would re-set the mortgage at $250,000 which would make possible for the homeowner to either keep the property or liquidate it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008
A cheaper way to fly
In these days of financial crisis, if you don’t mind being cramped for a while, feeling extremely cold, if you have good lungs, own warm clothing, some specialized equipment, travel without luggage and are willing to forgo mileage credits, you might want to consider doing all of your air travel as a stowaway, tucked into the landing gear well of the airplane that will take you from your closest airport your final destination. I have researched this mode of transportation extensively and have found that, if you own the necessary gear, it’s by far one of the best values in the travel market. Of course, you should be mindful of local regulations as this mode of transportation might not legal everywhere. Start by choosing a trip that is not too long, like an eighteen hour Mumbai to Atlanta flight; you could get so cold that you might drop like an icicle as soon as the plane it on its final approach and drops its landing gear. Instead, pick shorter flights and unless you take supplementary oxygen with you, stay well under a ten hour flight time. It’s always a good idea to pick a large enough airplane; I personally recommend the Boeing 777 as it has the largest landing gear in the business, a six-wheeler on either sides, that requires a super sized well making it easier to nest and far less dangerous when the doors close and the whole wheels and struts assembly collapses inside.
It goes without saying that short of getting a detailed sketch of the interior space from the company that has designed the plane, you should visually inspect the space and visualize the safe, empty volume where you’d tuck prior to taking off. If you want to survive your trip, it’s critical to dress warmly as if you were going to ski in New England at sub-zero temperatures. Don’t skimp on the number of layers, put after-ski boots, ski hat, goggles and gloves on. I know, you might look weird if you board in Miami in that attire, but it always beats arriving frozen-stiff. Include a “Camelback” filled with water that you’ll wear under your parka and just pack a bag of granola for snacks. If you don’t mind a carry-on and the extra weight, I strongly recommend bringing along one or two bottles of oxygen plus a mask; these will come in handy on the longer flights. Do not take sleeping pills as you might find yourself sound asleep at arrival time, which is never a good idea, as you don’t want to deplane before the aircraft touches the runway. It’s always a good idea to bring along a pair of nylon straps and if possible a harness to secure yourself to some fixed hardware inside the wheel well (do not attach it to the struts or the wheels!) If you follow my instructions, you’ll find that the hardest part of the journey is to get in and out of the tarmac, through the chain-link fence. Gee! I almost forgot to tell you to bring along a pair of wire-cutters… Now that you’ve got all the information, enjoy your low cost trip!

Friday, December 5, 2008
Not excellent at everything!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Solving the real estate crisis
It seems that resolving our current financial and economic crisis hinges upon “breaking” the current real estate “paralysis.” That’s right; not just in Florida or Nevada, but in places like the most expensive vacation retreats, England or continental Europe, real estate isn’t moving. Investors are waiting on the sidelines for some kind of magic signal that the bottom has been reached and that it’s now time to re-enter the market. The problem with that way of thinking is that all pundits are predicting that the real estate slump may not see its bottom for another year of two, and that’s a major issue, because this paralysis may go on for a very long time. Obviously, one could expect prices to keep on going down albeit too slowly to generate maintain investors’ interest. In the meantime, a trickle of transactions is taking place, simply because a few savvy buyers are able to get the property far below its advertised price and that way, the real market price level remains total invisible to the public at large. So here we are, on one hand faced with a plethora of properties, all overpriced and that no one really wants to seriously consider, and on the other hand, a very limited of sales that take place for a variety of reasons, that very few see, even less have the courage to analyze and that, because of these reasons, remain largely hidden from the broad market. We can first try to imagine why these rare properties do sell. First, a tiny number of individuals buy with little or no negotiation, either because they’re stupid, are infatuated with their purchase, or are filthy rich and don’t care or don’t know any better.
Then, you have the most astute crowd that wants a property, does its homework, knows what kind of latitude (read equity) the seller has, is very patient and wait till the seller is near the end of his or her psychological rope to lowball the property and eventually get a good price that is more reflective of the “pre-bubble” levels. The challenge for the market at large is to get a clear picture of these transactions given the level of secrecy afforded by the realtors’ multiple listing service (MLS). That situation contributes to hiding the reality of the market, thus protracting the “freeze” of activity and torturing to no end the sellers, the realtors, the financial institutions, the would-be buyers and the economy. The current situation shows the widespread “denial” on the part of the key protagonists that are the realtors and the financial institutions and its suicidal effects. Instead of accepting to see the situation as it is, they’re still hoping that it will somehow “come-back” soon to its pre-crisis levels. Dream on…
To address that continued inaction, I propose that the realtor community brings a bit more transparency to its MLS information system and starts broadly and overtly publishing the actual selling prices. This would help defining that “floor” price ranges instead of the inflated, bubble-era asking prices that are discouraging buyers and shutting down any activity. It would in turn promote a more realistic pricing that would restore both interest and confidence. Granted, that real “floor” may still continue to creep down, but at least knowing where it is and where it’s going would provide a basis of reference and would go a long way to encouraging broad market participation. My solution is simple, badly needed and guaranteed to work.

To address that continued inaction, I propose that the realtor community brings a bit more transparency to its MLS information system and starts broadly and overtly publishing the actual selling prices. This would help defining that “floor” price ranges instead of the inflated, bubble-era asking prices that are discouraging buyers and shutting down any activity. It would in turn promote a more realistic pricing that would restore both interest and confidence. Granted, that real “floor” may still continue to creep down, but at least knowing where it is and where it’s going would provide a basis of reference and would go a long way to encouraging broad market participation. My solution is simple, badly needed and guaranteed to work.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Undersecretary of “la Joie de Vivre”

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How to manage worry
What worries us the most are things we don’t control like for instance death and the stock market, so what are we to do if we don’t want worry to terrorize us for the rest of our lives? I have already attempted to address the issue last summer, but will revisit it today by adding a dose of prevention. That’s quite simple, to address the devastating damages and the uselessness of worry, let’s act on matters that can be changed and let’s ignore those that can’t; this of course is no quick fix; it’s a long term endeavor. Let’s take health for instance where we can make a habit of not smoking, eating right and regular exercise. We can take the same approach with our mental health by feeding our mind with all the right resources that are available; good reading material, smart information gathering, cultural activities and a lifelong approach to learning everything
that surrounds us. We could add to that list our political and civic involvement that can influence the way we are governed or we live, and the list could go on forever. The bottom line is that there’s a way to control our long term horizon and root out most worries that can populate it. As you can see a well managed life is likely to cut out most of the worries we can act upon and leave our minds free to have good, clean fun. Oh sure, don’t go in the middle of an empty field during a thunderstorm and don’t do aerobatics next time you fly your single engine plane, but I already hear you telling me that there’s a HUGE margin between a quick adrenaline rush and deep lingering concerns!

Monday, December 1, 2008
Are these realistic expectations?
Yesterday, I spoke with my friend John Evans from Vail who told me that his company and most Colorado resorts are expecting business to be down by about twenty percent and are planning their business accordingly (no new hires, salary freeze, scaled down budgets, etc.) Vail Resort is doing its part with discounted lift ticket and attractive lodging packages.
Their only fear is that business could even fall beyond that, making it much harder to keep cost and profitability in check. Aspen has already put a promotion together with UPS to counteract the luggage fees charged by airlines and give an extra reason for visiting Ute City. Compare that the rose-tainted glasses worn by the Park City Chamber and its business community. That’s what could also be called “arrogant denial” and might bite everyone too soon and too painfully. A few weeks ago I was wondering if there was some “Plan B,” just in case; apparently in the land of Zion we’re much too good for that and God still loves us…

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