Saturday, April 16, 2011

Receding glacier?

I have read that between 1550 and 1850, the glaciers around the world were growing. Now, it seems that the situation has turned around as they're retreating, and most of the blame is placed on excessive human activity.
It's the same in our backyard where the annual glacier is showing signs of weakness and might disappear as early as the beginning of May. It's too bad, because over the months, I had become attached to that white mass hugging our home. This negative trend is in spite of us walking instead of driving, composting, religiously sorting our refuse and wearing green most of the time.

I have thought of becoming totally inactive and sleep in a hammock all day gazing at the sky; this would reduce my already slowing down, human activity. A even less tiring alternative would consist of placing a white tarp over, to keep some snow for next November, but my wife disagrees, she thinks it's another dumb idea of mine, so I guess, we'll do nothing and kiss this big mound of snow goodbye pretty soon. We might even pickup a few dandelions from underneath it and eat them in salad!

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