Friday, December 25, 2015

What does the US need?

You could ask yourself what legacy are the two presumptive presidential candidates for 2016 (Trump and Clinton) likely to leave our Nation, when their presidency is over after two terms in 2024?

 This might, in of itself, be the object of one of my next blogs, but as of now, the real question could be: “what does America need that hasn't been addressed so far?”

Generally speaking, we should emulate the best OCDE practices as we aim for the following: 
  • Balance the federal budget with governments cuts and tax increases 
  • Begin repaying the debt 
  • Reform our electoral laws and remove special interest money from them 
  • Reform our education system by applying proven world best practices 
  • Make our health care system competitive with the rest of the developed world 
  • Continue to move aggressively on world's pollution and climate change 
  • Re-frame our military purpose into a Defense-only mode 
There might be more that could be done, but I would be entirely pleased with seeing the above points addressed once and for all.

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