Saturday, April 14, 2018

Is religion losing ground in America?

As a non-theocracy, America remains a super-religious country, but things are changing fast. The number of unbelievers is growing at a very high pace.

The Pew Religious Landscape survey reported that as of 2014, 22.8% of the American population was religiously unaffiliated, atheists made up 3.1% while agnostics made up 4% of the US population.

Another Pew Research Center study from 2010 compared Millennials to other generations, and showed that of those between 18–29 years old, only 3% self-identified as "atheists" and only 4% as "agnostics". Overall, 25% of Millennials were irreligious and 74% were religiously affiliated.

Not only are Millennials less religious than previous generations at the same age, but they're also much less engaged in many social institutions in general than previous generations.

This trend might accelerate based on the 2017 Survey from the American Family that indicate that 34% of the US population identify as irreligious (“Atheists”, “agnostics”, “nothing in particular”), up from 32% in 2016.

I'm sure God is pulling his hair when he reads this...

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