Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Where’s my soul?

I’m a renegade that believe that soul and spirit are one and the same.

This of course isn’t what religious folks think; they say that the difference between soul and spirit in humans is that the soul is at the center of the senses, desires, affections, and appetites. The spirit, on the other end is what connects us, or refuses to connect us to God.

As one might expect, the scientific consensus is that there is no such thing as a soul. Most modern scientists, believe that the mind is a complex machine that operates on the same physical laws as all other objects in the universe.

As for me, I am of the opinion that the mind and soul are the same and unique thing.

Our mind comes preloaded with some kind of software that includes for example fear of the of snakes, fight or flight instinct, and that education and life experience works just like additional software provided by apps or AI, making us into the full-fledged individuals that we are.

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