Friday, June 19, 2020

Comparing Covid-19’s outcomes…

Yesterday I was looking at Johns Hopkins’ numbers of deaths worldwide.

Sure, these numbers are subject to a wide variety of variation in their precision, particularly with tyrannical governments that might be willfully hiding numbers or have very poor accounting, like Brazil, China, Iran or Russia.

This said, after glancing at the numbers, I was struck by the fact that the largest number of death per 100,000 people were the highest in affluent countries like Belgium, the UK, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, the USA, Holland and Ireland.

Those are advanced societies, but aren’t they a form of failing democracies? Trump likes to say that his ultimate responsibility is to protect Americans, but there’s nothing particularly brilliant with his performance against the tiny virus.

Contrast this with Germany, Norway, Japan, Korea or Taiwan and one is right to wonder why was these countries significantly performing much better. The Swedish experiment of no-lock-down is also remarkable when compared with Norway’s stellar performance.

Less politics and much more effectiveness, I guess.

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