Monday, April 5, 2021

What can be done about Overpopulation?

Those who regularly read this blog know about my extreme interest in overpopulation as it relates to pollution and global warming with all of its consequences. This, as I often say, is “the elephant in the room”. 

I’m not advocating a total annihilation of the “excess-humanity” from the planet, but first a stabilization and eventually a reduction of out planetary population, down to a sustainable level. 

In order for this to happen, the problem must first be acknowledged by our political authorities and we stand far away from this, mostly for reasons embedded in capitalistic theories and religious control. 

This said, if we keep on ignoring the situation and don’t act to correct it, mother Nature will intervene and handle it with mass-eradication of the human population. One could see some examples in Covid-19, oceanic water levels rising and any other natural catastrophes. 

Perhaps things might begin to change for the best if mankind was only paying a little more attention to what ails our natural world.

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