Thursday, February 16, 2023

The recurring tech nightmare

This week hasn’t been good to me as far as home technology was concerned. It began when I had to change my 6 year old printer for a new one and, at about the same time, my internet gateway had to be replaced too. 

What created a huge problem is that I don’t get internet by cable, DSL or satellite, but by what amounts to 5G cell phone technology, and with it come huge compatibility problems with my printer or any printing device. I pretty much followed the HP’s instruction for wirelessly connecting their printer to my network as I had done in the past, enough cables everywhere, right?

Not counting the T-Mobile technicians that dealt with my in internet service that were quite proficient, I ended up on the phone for more with 24 hours with various agents of HP in the Philippines. 

So you can imagine the exchange of balls, or I should say blame, between the 2 companies and my being stuck in between. I think I spend more than 24 hours trying to make that marriage work, but as of now, I still have not succeeded but will still persevere and will let you know if I can make it work!

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