Friday, February 1, 2019

The land of cheap gasoline

I came to America in 1977. At that time, the price of gasoline was about $0.60 a gallon.

A few days ago, I filled my gas tank and realized that I only paid $2.06 per gallon. Now, if I account for the difference in cost of living during these two periods, I see that consumer prices are 4.17 times more today than they were back then.

This means that the $2.06 I paid today should have been $0.49 in 1977, while they were actually $0.60 at the time!

All this to show, that gas, in today's dollars, is even cheaper than 42 years ago and continues to poison the planet.

Sure there were only 4.25 billion folks on earth back then, and we're 7.67 billion today, an 80% increase, which shows how powerful Big Oil has been with most governments in general, and that of the United States in particular...

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