To our friends Frank and Marianne, I seem to have developed a reputation of Mr. “Know-it-all.” Until recently, every time they had a question, they would think or say: “Let’s ask him.” This was until last night at dinner, when I finally “spilled the beans” and accidentally revealed that I wasn’t such a savant after all. We were all talking about certain forms of greeting in general and “high-five” in particular, when someone asked about the origins of the latter. Without waiting one second, I jumped off my chair, dropped into my downstairs office and came back up, a few second later, with some pretty cool answers while, at the same time, disclosing
Wikipedia as the source of my bountiful knowledge. You, see there is not day that goes by when I’m not looking for some answers to my questions into Google, Yahoo or Wikipedia. I certainly don’t know it all; far from it! I only know where to go and find the answers to my questions and this is the most valuable lesson that over thirty years of immersion into the American culture have taught me, and this is something I cherish…
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