Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just about okay or perfect?

As Steve Jobs takes a leave from his job, yet another time, I am thinking about what goes into making exceptional people like him. Exceptional and not perfect of course, but individuals who can be agents of change, of advancement and who – more than anyone else – are obsessed with perfection. I have spent the last few days editing home videos (I know, my “passion du jour”) and have accomplished an okay job.

A perfect job, that is the very best work I could have done with the material and the tools I had, would have taken me perhaps twice longer. Few might have seen the minute differences, but there is no doubt in my mind that they would have appreciated a slightly, better product. So here we are; perfection always demands more time, more attention, more love in order to provide minute improvements. That's right, putting out twice the amount of resources for a two-percent difference. That's however why the same horses win races, over and over, by the same, hair-splitting advantage...

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