Monday, January 17, 2011

More on bizarre weather...

As an ironic segue way to yesterday's blog, last night has seen some huge amounts of rain in Park City, which might negate my denial about global warming where I live. Yet, I won't dwell on this isolated weather incident which means so little in the grand scheme of things. I just wanted to talk about a TV debate I saw yesterday about natural catastrophes and their relation to climate change, as record breaking floods are currently taking place in Australia and Brazil. My reaction is that our planet is bursting at the seams with too many people. Just consider that in 1940 we were only 2.3 billion people on this planet, and today we're almost 6.9 billion; a three-fold increase!

To accommodate all these folks we've built in places that were not proper for human habitat, creating landslides, flooding, deforestation, and other ills, so when we compare the natural cataclysms of 60 years ago, they had far less impact with only one-third of the population exposed. We're now engaged in a vicious circle in which more people are spewing more bad stuff into the atmosphere, which might make the weather worse, and living in places were no one was not supposed to dwell in the first place. If after that, people don't see that our number-one planetary priority is population control,
they'll never get it...

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