Monday, September 3, 2012

Birthday present?

Yesterday was my brother's birthday. Yeah, another one of these that we'd rather dismiss in this dubious numbers-game! This said, my brother and his wife received an unexpected present on the wee hours of that day. First, as she was preparing an early morning tea, my sister-in-law heard a loud thumping noise around the house.

The disruption was so loud and so unexpected that she couldn't locate it right away; she thought it might come from the bedroom where my brother was still in bed, but that wasn't the case. She then looked up over the deck, by the kitchen, and saw a huge man apparently laying down on the floor.

After panicking a bit, she called the police and the fire brigade. Those came shortly and picked up a fellow that probably had drank too much, driven into the cul-de-sac street where my relative live and proceeded to rest on one of the chairs that was on the deck. That's when he later fell and made all that noise. Birthdays are often filled with big surprises!

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