Monday, April 22, 2013

Don't ask, don't get...

I'm currently shopping for broadband and voice over ip services. I've had my current provider (that bundles both) for close to 7 year now.

This said, there's a big battle going on between Comcast (our cable provider) and CenturyLink (the legacy telephone company) fighting for consumer loyalty and market share in what seems to be an ever-changing market.
Of course, changing providers – just like going through a divorce - is always a pain as it entails a lot of upheaval to experience, not to mention the one-time installation fees, the need to purchase new equipment, etc.

Bottom line, I'd rather stay with my current provider if these guys are prepared to meet their competition on pricing. Do I need to state, that once more, it's yet another lesson that if you don't ask, you won't get!

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