Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Where's my bill?

This would appear impossible in America but it's actually happening in France; listen to that story: In late 1999 my sister and her husband moved into a brand new home in the Morzine Valley of the French Alps.

So, if my math serves me right, they've already been living for more than 13 years in their home. Construction on that home began in 1996 and the electrician that did the entire electrical work on the residence began laying his pipes as concrete was poured what's now some 17 years ago.

During the time it take for a teenager to get a driver's license, the electrician has never presented his bill to my sister. She's asking for it every time she sees this electrician, and every time his response is of the kind: “I'll get to it later!” This man must have an incredible cash-flow to be able to put his account receivable on such a low burner.

That's absolutely right, this ain't America!

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