Sunday, July 13, 2014

Is Israel focused on ethnic cleansing?

Since 1948, Israel efforts have been focused on getting rid of the Palestinian Arabs that were living on what they felt was their land. At that time, about 720,000 Palestinian Arabs out of the 900,000 who lived there, either fled or were expelled from their home.

Today, this territorial take-over continues with the push for establishing more colonies and what's currently going on demonstrates that the driving policy of the Zionist State is to make life so miserable for Arabs that they won't have no other option choice but flee, vaporize or die.

It seems unlikely that Israel believes in the “two-state-solution,” but rather in a homogeneous, united Palestine under the Israeli flag. Will it work? Most likely as long as the international community continues to do nothing and both Sunni and Shiites are tearing themselves apart...

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