Saturday, February 10, 2018

Don't let your imagination run dry!

If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, I seemed to have more imagination when I was a kid than today. Some scientific studies link memories to imagination and assert that, as we age, both tend to wither.

This makes sense to me, based at least on my personal observations concerning imagination.

For years, a fertile imagination has always open door for me, made me more creative and has helped me in countless other ways. In fact, it's been the ingredient I've constantly used to map out my path into life.

Today, I'm concerned about losing some of that tool that, I feel, gave me a special, useful edge in all my endeavors. Even if and my imagination seems to remain reasonably vivid, it might be worth focusing on ways to maintaining it fired up for as long as I live.

I still can use plenty of it along the way!

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