Thursday, May 31, 2018

An important lesson from pain

We learn more from pain than from pleasure. As people suffer all around us, it's impossible for most of us who are healthy, and not in pain, to imagine how it feels like and be a step closer to become truly compassionate.

This is probably why we should always cherish the few opportunities we have to feel pain, whichever form it takes, and do our very best to experience it fully by observing, sensing, analyzing and measuring what goes through our minds and bodies in these moments.

We must then remember this measure we took and keep it in memory so we can remember it the next time we see other folks in the throes of suffering.

Unlike what we often say, we sure can't put ourselves in the place of those in pain but can move just a tiny bit closer to their situation by remembering some of our own encounters with anything that's unpleasant...

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