Saturday, April 20, 2019

Am I a killing machine?

If modern contraception at existed when I was conceived, I certainly would not be here today, as I was an unexpected “surprise” for my parents. Since I owe my life to this, I feel extremely fortunate and thank heavens everyday to be alive and well.

I'm not a killer either. I have never committed murder and I'm against wars and revenge killing. Neither am I a hunter; this said, I realized that I'm a bit compromised by all the meat, fish and poultry,
I have consumed and continue to eat, even though it's no longer what it used to be.

I've only killed three deer with my car; in returns the animals made sure to wreck my autos as a way to say “thank”. I have also killed countless small mammals both with my car and other means. Finally,

I must also be guilty of the death of thousands of insects. I recognize that I'm and remain a human predator that's doing his share of wrecking a little bit more our beloved planet, but console myself by thinking that I'm not the worst one.

Will this suffice to exonerate me?

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