Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A first trip ‘round the world, part 52

If there’s something that successfully stood the test of time and still continues after half a century, it was the friendship and the excellent spirit that marked our group of people. Some solid friends, having a good time permanently, no enmity, chicanes or hidden agenda. 

Too bad of course that Alexis, Christophe and Jean-Pierre are no longer with us (Serge Empereur who came in 1972 also passed away). 

The story of our Australian adventures and pranks would be much richer if JP had been able to corroborate my account and contribute his share of narrative, miracles and unbelievable feats!

JP was also the one who tipped me about a Look job that became a game-changer for me! Likewise, Alexis could have shared his fears, worry and exasperation trying to manage a wild gang. 

It’s also long overdue to thank Alexis for giving us the opportunity to come over to Australia, improve our feeble English, help us mature a bit, as young men, and broaden our horizons in some huge ways. 

I must also say that without pioneers like Émile Allais or James Couttet, a coach like Honoré Bonnet, ski racers like Périllat, Killy, Goitschel and Famose, French skiing would have long stayed a distant second to Austria.

Gérard totally agrees and adds: “I too, will never forget those other guys who crossed the world to ski at Mt. Buller and have contributed in the effort to promote French skiing in that part of the world. The first one that comes to mind is Alexis, who headed the ski school for 14 seasons, Jean-Pierre that I could never see again since these years, and all those that are still with us like Michel Rudigoz, Maurice Jaun and all the others who paved the way to our unique experience …” 

It is absolutely true that we’re indebted to those that made the big leap of faith in 1966, pioneering the French ski technique at Mt. Buller and the many that have carried the torch ever since. 

All the skills we learned and perfected at Mt. Buller have helped all of us with our careers in securing fun jobs, meeting fabulous people and gaining a more profound understanding of our ski industry, its small but fascinating universe, and our precious planet... 


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