Monday, November 18, 2024

When cars look the same…

Last week, we stopped by the library and its parking lot was full, except for one spot available in its EV charging area, so I pulled into that space, got my special Tesla adapter, connected my it to my car and we went into the library building where I was looking for a book I needed for my Spanish study. 

About 15 to 20 minutes later, my wife and I came out and walked to our car, I unplugged it, made sure I removed and kept the adapter (I once forgot to do that) and both of us opened the doors of what we thought was our automobile. 

What I saw was a guy sleeping in front seat and my wife saw a dirty interior, as well as the slumbering driver on the other side, I instantly realized that I missed my car that was next to the one I wanted to enter! We shut the doors close, the man who didn’t appear to wake up didn’t say a thing. 

There were three Tesla, same model, same color, side by side, with no front license plates... I immediately unplugged the car that wasn’t mine, then ours, and was left with two adapters in hand, so I realized that I had to re-plug his car, which I quickly did. At long last, we finally got into the right auto and we left...

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