Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The accent in question

There isn't a month, rather week, that goes by without someone asking a question about my French accent. The inquiry generally goes like this: “After 37 years in America, how have you managed to keep your accent...”

I'm so sick and tired of it, that I am going to address that ill-informed remark by a rather harsh comment that will serve of lesson to the inquisitive – should I say “nosy” - individual who dares to ask... It will go like this:
“If you really want to know, I will have to teach you a lesson in physiology that you may or may not enjoy, and that you will have to listen through. It will take a couple of minutes, but I guarantee you that you will remember it forewer and that you'll end up being less ignorant than when you triggered the question...”

Then I will give my standard explanation that I have polished over almost four decades...

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