Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A better way to wash windows?

Yesterday was outside window cleaning day at our home. In the past, I struggled to do it, perched on my high ladder, stretching myself, worrying about falling (my wife was even more concerned that I could be) and doing a less than stellar job.

I only did the interior part, which was relatively easy and more at my level (skill and heights included). This time, we finally turned to professionals for most of the exterior, and since our high plate windows have always been a huge challenge, I videotaped the action.

I discovered that the window washer was using a water-fed pole and water-fed brushes to clean my most hard-to-reach windows, while using pure (distilled) water for rinsing and spot-free drying.

I watched, a tiny bit skeptical, but was totally sold on the concept when everything was spotlessly dry. Impressive indeed!

When will progress stop?

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