Saturday, November 10, 2018

Does my vote count?

This is the recurring question and too often, the excuse voters use for not voting at all.

The answer to the question is that any vote always counts more than 100%.

In reality, on average, one single vote often counts double in the United States.Consider these numbers about voters participation at recent elections.
  • 2014 Midterm election: 39% (one vote almost counts triple!) 
  • 2016 Presidential election: 56% 
  • 2018 Midterm election: 47% 2018 
  • 2018 Midterm election, State of Utah: 50% 2018 
  • 2018 Midterm election, Park City: 59% (my vote is only worth 1.7 votes, but that's perfectly fine with me!) 
In fact ,the best way to apprehend the stupidity of those who don't vote, is to see in their apathy the opportunity to also vote in their place.

Now, you get the answer to that rather stupid question, “does my vote count?”

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