Saturday, November 3, 2018

Successful, greedy but clueless

Early this week we watched one of our favorite TV shows, Frontline on PBS.

The story that runs in two installments, shows that Mark Zuckerberg had a terrific idea that quickly turned into a money-making machine.

His new found luck put him into the situation of the apprentice-sorcerer that was so blinded by the fame he got and by the money his entreprise amassed, that he never took a minute to consider and mitigate Facebook's most nefarious aspects.

What he has created and the way it was developed, is inherently bad. This goes a long way in showing that self-made billionaires can be imbeciles too!

Worse of all, it's also highly addictive as evidenced by the comments from one of his critics on the second video.

With that horrible invention, we can kiss democracy goodbye and put ourselves at the mercy of malevolent individuals. I'm so grateful I dropped the Facebook habit at the end of last winter!

Second part here!

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