Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Epic Pass reservations in Chinese?

Do you remember the last “Made in China” item you brought and its instructions for use written in incomprehensible English that make no sense whatsoever?

Well, if it’s never happened to you, either you don’t ever need to read any instructions or you don’t purchase any “stuff”. For me, it happens all the time, and as recently as last week, I received a message from Vail Resorts, announcing their 2020-21 winter season program and its reservations program, entirely written in pure gobbledygook.

The stuff they sent me made so little sense that, at first glance, I ignored it, as I didn’t want to hurt any further my already very fragile mental capacities. As we were walking in the morning, I ran into a neighbor on his bike, who stopped and asked if I had read and understood, Vail’s reservation program.

I responded that it was so unclear that I didn’t even attempt to make sense of it. Back home, I tried again and after going through the explanations, I understood even less than the first day I attempted to read it. All this to say that Vail Resorts has some serious progress to make in the way it communicates with its pass-holders!

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