Sunday, January 6, 2008

Recycling old ski fashion

What do you do with that old one-piece suit from the 70s and the 80s? You can give it to charity, but I doubt that too many folks will find good use for it in Africa or in Asia. First, it could be a bit too warm in most developing nations’ hot and humid climate, and second the bright, patched-up colors would understandably be found in poor taste even by those who don’t know what winter sports are all about. In my view there’s only one best and highest use for these old garments; snow removal. That’s right, if you’re shoveling or blowing snow they are the best clothes to wear. Their “unibody” construction prevents any pesky snow from seeping inside, all the way to a human skin that is not yet used to the morning cold. In addition, because we’ve all put up a few more pounds in the past 20 to 30 years, wearing a now tight one-piece ski suit will amplify your body forms and make you look larger than life, scaring away any puma strolling around your neighborhood in the wee hours of the morning (we indeed have a mountain lion terrorizing our Park City subdivision at the moment.) The real benefit however, is that your neighbors and any passer-by will see you as a true professional in the pristine field of snow removal, and that alone makes your ancient one-piece suit worth upgrading into a work uniform.

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