Anytime we meet people at parties, in a business setting or simply on the chairlift while skiing, everyone likes to inquire about who we are. What kind of job we have, where we grew up, the education we received and some other special tidbits that could help them situate us within the 6.7 billion other earthlings. When that happens, we’ve several choices; some of us love to “tinker” with, if not amplify the facts, by editorializing and “adding” a little more than reality would allow. Others, hopefully highly organized individuals, simply lie and build a fascinating story of fantasy about themselves and their life’s itinerary.

Of course, there’s an alternative that very few individuals pick by simply telling things the way they are; something uncommon, also known as telling the truth even if it doesn’t sell well or might “mark” us as plain, mediocre or just below-average. The point of this article is not to reveal which category I fit into, but to ask you how you react to that sad state of human interaction.
Comments, please!
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