Thursday, January 22, 2009
One state solution or nothing
On January 21, Muammar Qaddafi published a compelling argument in the New York Times for a one-state solution to end up the non-stop slaughter between Israel and the Palestinians.
His arguments are sound and his proposed solution sustainable. Sure, it would be less comfortable for Israel, but would certainly beat self-destruction for both communities in the longer term. This is the kind of sensible solution that President Obama must take seriously into consideration. All the rest is pure hogwash and will continue – if not accelerate – the cycle of violence. Since we all end up footing the bill for the schizophrenic “demolition derby” that has been the hallmark of the Middle East, it’s about time we imposed a viable solution and send a message to the religious fanatics on both sides of the conflict to either make up or get lost.

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I hope so much that this "Isratine" could exist some day. I'm praying for that since so much time. But I'm a bit suspiscious about that, because military weapons industry and its leaders and owners will never give peace any chance to born in Middle East area... Money makes the world go 'round, and according to the fact the devil has invade their spirit, their soul since so deeply, and they've become rich with wars all around the world, making money with people hating other people, I can hardly believe they'll let peace break up their piggy bank...
But let's pray for a meeting between men of good will very soon, gathering Obama, Qaddafi and most important those who are directly involved by this historic conflict, the leaders of people of Israël and Palestine. Let's hold our fingers crossed...
This conflict needs to be resolved as it is central to the polarization between the West and the Muslim World. Further, it's all about our planet, the little "blue ball" and like Americans are learning to live with a more pluralistic society (black, brown, yellow and black), Israel must accept living with another faith and jettison its theocratic state - there's no more room for that nonsense!
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