Thursday, December 19, 2013

The sleazy face of real estate...

I recently went through another real estate transaction and it confirmed to me, once more, that something is utterly rotten in that industry.

Not only is the six percent commission excessive, especially when we compare it to the low cost of closing, at least in Utah, that stands at less than half a point, but in the last throes of the negotiation, when we asked both realtors to lower their commissions a measly two-third of a point, they found no better way than ask the other party to absorb most of it.

It left me with the solid impression that all realtors do it solely for their commission, and absolutely not to help other people. I long for the day when someone smart Alec will find a crack in the system and successfully challenges the cartel-like structure of the association of realtors all the way to the Supreme Court.

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