Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Parlez-vous National Park?

There is no question that the French seem to dominate all visitors that can be found at the US National Parks, at least the ones located in Utah. More so than Chinese, Japanese, Germans or Italians.

What makes the French so affluent that they seem to travel the world while their counterparts are toiling away and seemingly having considerably less fun. It's a fact that French, as a nation, are saving a lot, and also that all the French we see, appear to be retired, which begs the question, how do they do it?

The last time I heard, France was not in the best financial shape, but hey, what do I know. What's visible is that the French are enjoying life to its utmost, while their country seems to be coming apart at the seam.

A good way, I guess, to celebrate the end in style!

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