Monday, January 27, 2020

Why my next car will be electric…

I like my planet, would hate to see it go down the drain and I’m also convinced that the use of fossil fuels by some 7.7 billion humans is killing it.

I don’t like organized religions too and even less religious extremists like the Saudis that are Salafist Muslims.

That version of Sunni Islam has its roots in the 18th-century Wahhabi movement originating in Saudi Arabia and whose poster-child is no other than Mohammad bin Salman aka MBS.

This guy, not content to cutting Jamal Khashoggi into small pieces or hacking Jeff Bezos’ phone, it also spreading its religion’s nefarious teachings the world over and yet, appears untouchable.

I’m not even mentioning the 19 Saudis that perpetrated the 9/11 attack. MBS is the main reason why my next car will be electric.

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