Thursday, February 1, 2024

A day well-lived…

Our life is a busy one, always overflowing with something exciting to do as a direct result of our needs and wants. It’s made up of a mosaic of daily special moments that we have built over the years to make our daily life an enchanting experience, filled with surprises and discovery that we always look forward to. 

Here’s how it works; we place pieces in our day that we never get tired of. It begins with meditation when I wake up, before I make the morning coffee and draft a daily blog that I try to finish and publish before breakfast that follows and that we always enjoy for its variety. 

Then my wife and I go for a long walk, well over 5 miles and it’s almost time for lunch when we return if don’t spend some time working in the garden when there’s no snow. The afternoon is devoted to skiing, doing indoor projects or fun things and a shorter 2 miles walk later. 

Late afternoon we watch the news on TV while having a drink and later enjoy dinner. We pick a good program to watch later on and then around 9 pm are in bed and read until we fall asleep exhausted. Before doing that however I mentally re-run my day and spot the mistakes, errors or sins I’ve committed, to get them deep in my head in order not to repeat them. 

That, for us, concludes a day well-lived...

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