Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Is Trumpism like a cult?

Sometimes I tell myself there has to be more than charisma and admiration for Trump as his die-hard supporters keep on sticking with this horrible man. I think to myself “It’s just like a cult”, or is it not? 

Just like Trump, cults frequently use fear tactics to control their members. This can involve threats of punishment, including physical or emotional harm, ostracism and other tactics. Then there’s information control by means of certain social media like Truth Social, Newsmax and Fox News limiting exposure to other news media, or alternative viewpoints. 

This keeps members controlled and reinforces their belief in the MAGA’s ideology. Obviously, Trump always asks his supporters for money (for legal help and campaign financing) to create a sense of control over his fans' lives. The same way, Trump needs an environment of “group-think”, where critical thinking is discouraged, and conformity to MAGA’s beliefs becomes the norm.

That way, individuals are less likely to question Trump’s leadership. It’s also clear that Trump knows how to exploit his supporters’ vulnerabilities, like jealousy, racism, easy solutions to complex problems and a general lack of education. 

Finally, Trump is seen by many who love him as a charismatic figure, exuding confidence, authority, and unwavering belief in his political ideology. This, too, attracts followers who are seeking direction and purpose in their lives. Under the right circumstances, even sane, rational and well-adjusted people can be convinced of the most outrageous ideas. 

If Trump’s followers are truly cult members, we’ll see in another blog how we might deprogram them...

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