Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Are we adaptable?

As age forces its way and its limitations on us, one might wonder if those of us who make timely adjustments are smarter or simply more attuned with self-knowledge and with their environment? Is there also a relation to age in being able to be more adaptable? 

Obviously, when we’re still young we typically excel in tasks requiring fast processing, good working memory, and quick decision-making. This proves very useful in fast-changing environments that require nimble adjustments. 

As we age, we’ve gained knowledge, and more strategic thinking that both help make well-informed decisions based on experience and foreseeing their consequences. Regardless of age, however, those of us who know a specific domain very well or had to deal with frequent changes may show increased adaptability. 

Then, there are the curious folks that, regardless of age, naturally enjoy learning new things and adapt to change, while others prefer to stick to what they know and find adjustments more difficult. Natural fear also plays a role; anxiety about changing situations or potential negative consequences will hinder adaptation at any age. 

To me, adaptability is like a muscle, the more one uses it, the more it develops and shows its usefulness. What’s your trick to remain adaptable as years add-up?

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