Thursday, November 17, 2022

A complicated entry into the ski season

For the past 38 winters living in Park City, when I went skiing, I drove my car to the resort, found a parking sport relatively easily and was on my way. 

Today, things have changed for the worst. Vail Resorts that manages Park City Mountain decided to institute pay parking this season which is a royal nuisance and something that we needed like another hole inside the head. 

The cost is $25 if there is less than 4 passengers per vehicle and while a limited amount of parking passes were available for $950 I decided to pass. To mitigate the hassle for locals, the City decided to enhance a little bit its transit system by adding a micro transit that is on-demand from my home, then takes me to another bus stop that finally gets me to the ski resort. 

On average, this will take me some 30 to 40 minutes each way. There’s a phone app that works like Uber or Lyft and I am going to test it pretty soon. I’m not looking forward to that inconvenience, but this typifies the kind of First World problems we have to deal with and then I think about the daily life in Ukraine today, and my inner voice is told to immediately shut-up, and that’s the least I should do. 

There will be benefits, though. I will be able to leave home with my boots on and not have to get into them, and then try to get rid of them on the cold parking lot, plus I’ll leave the driving to someone else. 

So, we’ll try to explore that new situation, and in a few blogs from today, you’ll know how bad my predicament is in reality, and I hope that whatever the outcome really turn out to be, you won’t shed any tear for me. I wouldn’t deserve them anyway!

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