Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Falling birth-rate, AI, robots and economy

A lot of so-called economists are deploring the low birth-rate that has spread in developed countries and particularly, let’s admit it, into the white race. 

They claim that there won’t be enough hands to take care of the aging baby-boomers and to take care of the countries lowly and dirty work no one likes to do, but they fail to address the diminished need for people labor as we enter an unprecedented era for artificial intelligence and robotics that both will make humans less in demand.

It also ignores the fact that with widespread information about the life of famous people making fortunes, no one wants to works for peanuts anymore. 

So in order to keep going, society in these well-off countries will have to bite the bullet and offer some decent living wages to its lower strata of workers, or accept more non-white to work for low wages if it doesn’t want to shut down. 

What this means is that society will have to flatten its socioeconomic differences, rich and well-to-do will have to enjoy life a little bit less, quit extravagance, and offensive display of wealth, while raising the conditions of those who do the work no one else want to touch...

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