Thursday, February 13, 2025

A Trumpian dream?

During his 2024 campaign, Donald Trump promised to lower grocery prices. He emphasized this frequently, saying that he’d bring down the cost of groceries like eggs, bacon, and apples, which had increased a lot under Biden. 

However, despite his promises, grocery prices have continued to rise and eggs are still creeping up with no end in sight! This is probably what prompted my dream last night when I saw Trump addressing a large group of hens inside a chicken coop and asking them to triple their daily egg production in order to bring enough supply of their protein-rich products, so it could drop down their stratospheric cost. 

As his head was, as usual, leaning over his lectern in his soft loving side, in front of already good productive hens, I was expecting him to be nice and to charm all of the birds assembled in front of him into laying many more eggs. 

Instead he said: “If you can’t triple your daily production I’ll have no choice but asking Vance (his VP) and Kennedy (his Health guy) to come and twist all your necks, and by doing so, teach you a memorable lesson in capitalistic productivity!” 

As I woke up, it was no longer a dream, but a scary nightmare with the same old terror-inducing, threatening tactics!

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