Sunday, February 9, 2025

Old folks’ reluctance to learn

From my recent observations, it seems to me pretty obvious that, as we age, we’re more reluctant to learn. 

Currently, I’m up against setting up a new GoPro camera to replace the 12 year old one I had, and transferring nine years of work and data from an old Windows 10 computer to a newer Windows 11 version, and I find that work pretty tedious and very hard. 

On the other hand, last July, I began learning Spanish and still persevere and love it, so things aren’t that black and white!

Sure, in a decade there have been lots of changes affecting myself and my environment, like cognitive changes, setting deeper in comfortable routines, not seeing a need for learning, changing priorities and a bunch of little details that have begun shaping my universe in many different ways that are not always as exciting as I would like. 

Tomorrow, we’ll try to explore these…

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