Saturday, February 15, 2025

Embracing Trump’s insanity as a challenge

You’ll often hear me saying, “I get stronger by going through challenges!” Is this a form of masochism or is there true redemption to that practice? I do think so. 

For instance, when given a choice between riding an elevator and taking the stairs, my wife and I always settle for the former, except of course if there are 10 floors to climb or if we’re loaded like mules. 

So, as Friedrich Nietzsche first stated in 1888, we do believe that what doesn’t kill us will make us much stronger. This said the second election of Trump was awful and while we’ve blamed Biden selfishness for it, Trump and his sycophants are now a reality. 

We could feel sorry for ourselves, move to British Columbia or France, or decidedly put our best foot forward to resist that unsavory reality. 

We'll do the latter, we’ll resist with all our might this insanity we’re served on a daily basis with an overflowing reserve of passion, courage, and imagination!

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