In recent years I’ve always maintained that a good dose of adversity can be salutary when it’s well distributed over one’s lifetime. Before starting the discussion, I need to stress that we’re talking about adversity, not trauma.
With this in mind, I’m convinced that challenge makes us stronger, teaches us everything we need and in the end, makes us much happier. In looking back at my own experience, adversity has forced me to adapt and overcome challenges.
In the process it has built my resilience, enabling me to handle future difficulties more easily and teaching me that I was stronger than I thought, fostering a healthier self-confidence. From a more personal standpoint, it has led me to self-discovery, a deeper understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, prompted me to re-evaluate my priorities and values and helped me grow even further.A healthy dose of challenges has also helped me fully appreciate the good times and strengthen my sense of gratitude and joy. If it were not for all the hurdles along my way, I wouldn’t have learned the valuable life lessons that I’ve experienced. It also taught me wisdom and empathy, making me in turn more compassionate towards others.
For competitive folks like me, adversity also acted as a strong motivator as overcoming obstacles gave a strong sense of accomplishment. Many psychological and philosophical views support my belief that well-balanced adversity can be beneficial. Sure, going over obstacles sometimes doesn’t always work as people have different responses based on factors like personality, support systems, vulnerability or coping mechanisms.
As I mentioned above, "well-distributed" adversity is crucial, if it’s poorly timed or applies constant pressure and is too overwhelming, it won’t work at all. Still, if well dosed, it will build resilience, foster personal growth, and enhance our appreciation for life.
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