Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trump’s Hand

Just like there’s the "3 Rs" Trifecta in education that stands for Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic, given Trump’s celebrity status, he might want to be defined by the “3Ts”. But he'd want more than three, so instead of a “3Ts”, he would get a “5Ts” Quintet, or a Hand in poker, as in “Trump” standing for Truth-suppression, Treason, Terror, Tyranny and you’ve guessed it, Tariffs! 

Let’s talk about these… 

  • Truth-suppression is a nice euphemism for Lying and with thousands of recorded lies since he entered politics less than 10 years ago, the New Yorker is unbeatable. All of his speeches are all stitched with lies of all kinds and sizes. Smart people usually don’t trust liars. 
  • Treason is evident when Trump delivers Ukraine’s terms of surrender to Putin on a silver platter or instructs his UN Ambassador to vote with China, North Korea and Russia against the condemnation of Ukraine’s invasion. Also, the two instances when he swore on the Bible that he will enforce the US Constitution and does not. 
  • Terror is for terrorizing people with maximum cruelty, from immigrants to government employees and anyone who opposes his schemes. America usually despises terrorists. 
  • Tyranny is when as a head of state one only admires and associates with other tyrants, when one mocks and disregards rules and doesn’t think twice before he tramples them, unless prevented by the enforcement of the law he wants to disrespect. As a democracy, America has no room for Tyrants. 
  • Tariffs is a magic wand that Trump believes can generate free money to pay for everything and as he recently claimed, to “Substitute for income tax” as he also believes that his proposed Gold Card revenues will soak up the US budget deficit. 

The man may be a “legendary businessman” but he doesn’t know anything about “aRithmetic”, which brings me back to the opening statement of that blog...

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