Monday, April 23, 2007

France needs business stimulus

The otherwise blend Centrist Bayrou emerged as a surprise and a strong number three from the first round of the French presidential election. This was due to the “so-so” choice voters had between Royal and Sarkozy. Do the French want a center party? Probably not, but rooting for Bayrou was a way for many to deflect their concerns about Segolene Royal’s lack of program, weak substance and light experience on one hand, and the aggressive ambitions and the shoot-from-the-hip style of Nicolas "Kärcher" Sarkozy on the other hand.

While Sarkozy is most likely to win in the end round, his party and his own track record while in the government haven’t always met the needs and wants of the French. Some drastic change need to take place. My personal view is that the key element to a successful presidency has to be focused on business development and the ensuing creation of jobs. Good things will then follow.

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