Friday, April 19, 2013

Leaving no stone unturned?

I have to admit that when I'm focused on some important project, I make a habit of leaving no stone unturned. This can irritate some, but I would hate to have missed an opportunity to do the right thing or discover an hidden treasure if I had not checked all the possible nooks and crannies.

I certainly could apply the Pareto principle (you known, the 80–20 rule that say that for most situations, about 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes) but I still find it too hard. I continue to look for everything and if I don't harvest that special something I'm after, I'll learn at least one or two things in the process.

Since I'm running out of time, I should begin to become more selective, more approximate and who cares if I miss a few gems in pursuing that big treasure chest...

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