Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Winter last salvo?

When I woke up this morning, my legs were a bit aching and felt stiff. Well, I skied some significant powder yesterday as winter came back with a vengeance and dumped a good foot of snow upon our higher elevations. Great skiing by the way... That's when I overheard - in my mind - a conversation between Mr. Winter and Mrs. Snow that went a bit like this:

Mr. Winter: Just like last year, you've been slacking off in Utah, Mrs. Snow!
Mrs. Snow: You told me to dump it all over the Alps!
Mr. Winter: I said some, just like I said last year to sprinkle Japan a bit more...
Mrs. Snow: That's not quite what I heard you say!
Mr. Winter: It's awful when some folks always want to be right and never fess up to poor execution!
Mrs. Snow: I'll admit though that I had two terrible wet seasons...
Mr. Winter: Okay, that's precisely the idea, return “en masse” to Utah and you'll feel dry and fluffy again! Mrs. Snow: I agree, you've made your point...

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