Friday, January 2, 2015

Time to refuel!

Recently, someone asked me how I felt about my recent birthday, and my short answer is that I feel the need for some serious refueling. Cruising aimlessly through the end of my existence isn't an acceptable option. We just talked about that subject a few days ago.
To put this in clearer terms, I need to replenish my life reservoir with some worthy cause, some new passion or a new project that feels fun and sweep me off my feet.

I first thought this would be a great to have as a new year resolution, but that date has come and gone and it just is another meaningless milestone after all. I need to actively search at what this new focus should be by simply being serious about it. I think I touched on the right point.

If I don't work hard to determine what that new stage in my life will be it may never land on my laps, so this behooves me to leave no stone unturned and find that “fuel for my future!”

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