Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mountain-bike and Concentration

I've written this so many times; riding a mountain-bike demands concentration from the time one leaves home to the time the bike is safely hung back inside the garage.

Today, as I was riding and enjoying it thoroughly I came across a group of mountain-bikers that were stopped in some blind corner (where else, I wonder!) One lady, who evidently spilled badly, was all bloodied in her face, her bike front disc bent and she wasn't a happy camper!

I did what I could to help and went on my merry way. As I was riding, I was thinking that there isn't one single moment that's open for lowering one's guard on a mountain-bike.

Danger is lurking every linear foot along the way and if one doesn't concentrate 100%, one is bound to bite the dust.

That's right even a good, almost “safe” 99% won't do. I'll try to remember this...

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